Sunday, February 22, 2009

Congrats India!

Hail Indian cinema which was already there but has finally arrived for on the western front! Slumdog Millionaire has won 8 Oscars and Rahman 2. And yes a big treat for the best short documentary winner Smile Pinki! Smile Indian celluloid now...A big big.....congrats to all Indians and to the world!
The best tribute that we could we could have given to Heath Ledger! We will miss him always...
Jesus! Danny Boyle has done it and has won the Best Director award. The count is now 7!!! Congrats Gulzar, Rubeina, Latika, Resul Pookutty, Jamal, Ajhar, Pinto, Dev, Anil, Irfan and the rest of the team too...
It is actually 8 now.