Monday, March 16, 2009

train to bombay

A long serpentilne trail seems to have been followed by this train with 6 hours around still remaining to reach the destination. Did quite a few stupid things to ward-off my schizophrenia and claustrophobia in the train. Had a small bhang ki goli with milk, enjoyed a vodka shot and then finally wound up with a small chilled beer. The scenes were not all enthralling. There seemed to be a dullness in the rocky terra firma in major parts of M.P. Maharashtra has been a tad more pleasant, especially the lush green banana fields near Bhusawal. The pantry in this train sucks as tea is just tantamount to hot sugary-coated water. The water is not boiled properly. The best food was chana poorie type item which comprised 10 ingredients of 50 paisa each to take its valuation upto 5 rs per small plate. It had lemon, mirchi, salad, dhaniya, chana of course etc to deliver high carb instant gratification. And the lady selling was generous in doling out desi culinary advices.
It is 12 approx in the nights and almost all are pretending to sleep perhaps to get a sense out of the reservation done as per the scheduling. A guy who was sleeping(nay adjusting) on my berth has just joined the opposite one in search of more comfort. I will try to post in detail later.