Sunday, December 30, 2007

The day has begun

Tasks have started. Since yesterday, I am suffering from cough and cold. Being an inveterate smoker, there is always a fear of cancer curing my smoking. But then if I can quit, so far so good. If I meet a premature end, never mind.
Osho says that death is a celebration.
Easier said than done. But if that held sense for the majority then at least we could have endured the losses of lives. Time could have become a faster healer.
The transcedental is still missing from my life. Despite earning a pittance in a sinecure, I feel that the process of earning moolah has killed the human within me.
Maybe, it is a one-off case or another reason for escaping.:)
I know not but I will try to add some spice into it. I plan to go to Kushinagar very soon. It has a calming and nostalgic effect for me. There are a certain things that evoke these stimuli.

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