Monday, January 7, 2008

XAT 2008 was not a shocker!

For those also interested in ca good b-school by dint of good score in XAT, this might not have come as a shocker as the level of toughness was not high vis-a-vis XAT 2007 or CAT 2007.
The surpriose element that was thrown in by XAT 2008 was the inclusion of questions based on decision making, which proved to be sitters. Maths copmprised easy to moderately tough questions.
English was not that dicey too as the passages, though highly abstract ones were still doable and subjectivity was not the spoilsport in XAT 2008 as it was in the case of CAT 2006 and CAT 2007.
Well, the cat will be out of the bag tomorrow and quite a few will come out again in shining colours. A new year of manger-creation has started and it is one night of torturous wait for the talented ones.
Even for the average joe, percentiles will come like a breath of fresh air for performances in putative world's toughest examination will always relative.

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