Saturday, August 16, 2008


The first million will perhaps come in the next janam but I am looking forward to have a good tryst with spirituality. Rehab is round the corner or at least an honest attempt is on for that.
Ratiocination leaves one high and dry and non-conformity is important at times. Osho says that do not follow the master just for the heck of it and it is tragic that majorly religious protagonists have tried to shoot two birds with one arrow. They killed the joy and gave stress just to ensure that their bastion remains secure. Indeed, it is foolhardy to run after a rigmarole. The world is illusory not because it is not real but because in a heightened state of self-centredness it remains forgotten. That can be called a form of infantile narcissism but it is the transcendence of the temporal. Enlightenment may come in a flash and may not come in the eons to come. But few icons scared the masses about it and could have done well to give false enchantment initially because the spiritual journey once started in the right direction would spontaneously make the disciple discard excess baggage who might not mind the initial fanciful presicience of the master.
The dogmas are fetters and that proves Marx right at places. There have been intellectuals but very few intelligent people, says the master. We learn from the simplest of things. A tea-shop owner daily opening his shop in the morning without fail might well set a touchstone of specs for the top executives. A green tree standing tall since years can inspire a virtuoso to paint a magnum opus. Mona Lisa was the center of the cosmos for Da Vinci when he painted the masterpiece and the world's greatest genius refused riches owing to his love for that.
The world is metamorphosing in something new and different and lot many spritual, artistic, literary things et al are becoming archaic but it soothes at times to return back to the basics.
Everything remains the same. Same curtains, flower pots and doors! But the flower becomes redolent in bliss. The walls reveal blithely inner secrets and the monsoon showers bring forth the child.
Happiness is the keynote of life perhaps. And thanks God that mankind finds ways more than one to remain happy even in the warp of prosperity and the woof of suffering!

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