Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is love a child?

I sometimes doubt if a child ever becomes desperate in any feeling as it is ever engrossed in other passions related more to serendipities and less to any pristine emotion. Which is why, when sometimes when you feel the pang of separation in love, you fancy that you are an adult now even if you have crossed the middle age mark or more. How sad it is that we realize anyone's importance in life only after one is gone even if it is for a brief history of time!...
Why can't we have the same intensity of love when the object of love is physically present? The psychic distance really does not matter much in love and is not always a function of the physical distance. It does have its maxima's and minima's but how good it would have been had it been a constant graph trajectory in life!
Hoping that it is again a transition, albeit a shorter one perchance! Hoping that migraine and other health worries would get the upper of any kind of heartache!


vishvender said...

i often feel that

rakki said...

thanx for feeling similarly...
i believe mine was again a brief transit...