Thursday, December 4, 2008

Terror attacks in India: "We are resilient", It is a platitude

We very well know that nothing will change in India as it is a systemic failure and we are famous for maintaining status quo. There might be another terror attack in India very soon. Why this hue and cry? Let the politicians enjoy at least. Where is the point in becoming senseless by lighting up candles, signing petitions, blogging, smsing et al against these dastardly and heinous acts when we know that we are helpless and the administration so masculine? Resilience no no...In lieu of it, resignation has to be accepted. The cliches are now insipid. Let us embrace terrorism even if it is a coercion.
However, fear has at least shown our soilidarity in these devilish times and we are even more Indian like SRK. Terrorism has no religion and let us all at least try and accept that so that spreading further hatred is stopped and the message of love is even more strong. But we cannot do anything to punish corrupt politicians and officials. We do not even vote not to vote if required.

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